Monthly Archives: November 2024

Leaving Valuable Collections In Your Estate Plan
Our collections often have a dual purpose. Some of us collect for the value; we know what we are collecting will increase in value, and we know that amassing volumes of that item can lead to a good sum of money down the road. Others collect just because we have a personal interest in… Read More »

Spotting And Dealing With Signs Of Mental Decline In Loved Ones
We all want to try to spot the signs of dementia in our loved ones, as soon as possible. This can avoid a loved one making mistakes, or trusting people, which could affect their lives, and yours, if you are a close relative. But while full blown dementia may be noticeable, it is often… Read More »

Why A Will Isn’t Enough To Avoid Probate
You read and hear about the importance of having an estate plan. So you get and execute a will, thinking that you’ve avoided the significant problems that probate court can bring. Yes, a will is better than nothing, and a will is an important part of an estate plan. But if you think a… Read More »

Here’s How Creditors Collect And Get Paid In Probate
There are a lot of strategies to avoid having to pay the creditors of a deceased out of the proceeds of what the deceased left to beneficiaries. A lot of estate planning vehicles simply cannot be touched by creditors, and a lot of estate planning strategies will avoid probate, and thus, avoid the notification… Read More »