Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Benefits And Uses Of A Durable Power Of Attorney
Not all of estate planning is planning for the event that you pass away. That’s why it’s called estate planning, and not death planning. It’s a way to plan for, and take care of your estate, even when you are still here. And one of the most important tools in an estate planning arsenal,… Read More »

What Evidence Is Needed To Challenge A Will Or Estate Plan?
If an estate plan is drafted properly, and with enough advanced notice, in an ideal world, there is no reason to challenge an estate in probate court. But inheritances bring up personal issues and it is often the case that people do challenge someone’s will or larger estate plan. What are the Allegations? When… Read More »

Don’t Put These Things In A Living Trust
Living trusts, which are created when the creator (the testator) is still alive, can be helpful estate planning vehicles. Many people prefer them because they are created when the testator is still alive, thus giving him or her some control over the trust and the comfort of knowing that it exists. But while it… Read More »

Tips And Hacks For Your Estate Plan
There is no one comprehensive list of things you should or shouldn’t do when it comes to estate planning. Everybody’s situation is different, and there is just a lot more to good estate planning that can be put into any one list. Still, there are some quick tips and tricks, rules of thumb, and… Read More »

Leaving Valuable Collections In Your Estate Plan
Our collections often have a dual purpose. Some of us collect for the value; we know what we are collecting will increase in value, and we know that amassing volumes of that item can lead to a good sum of money down the road. Others collect just because we have a personal interest in… Read More »

Spotting And Dealing With Signs Of Mental Decline In Loved Ones
We all want to try to spot the signs of dementia in our loved ones, as soon as possible. This can avoid a loved one making mistakes, or trusting people, which could affect their lives, and yours, if you are a close relative. But while full blown dementia may be noticeable, it is often… Read More »

Why A Will Isn’t Enough To Avoid Probate
You read and hear about the importance of having an estate plan. So you get and execute a will, thinking that you’ve avoided the significant problems that probate court can bring. Yes, a will is better than nothing, and a will is an important part of an estate plan. But if you think a… Read More »

Here’s How Creditors Collect And Get Paid In Probate
There are a lot of strategies to avoid having to pay the creditors of a deceased out of the proceeds of what the deceased left to beneficiaries. A lot of estate planning vehicles simply cannot be touched by creditors, and a lot of estate planning strategies will avoid probate, and thus, avoid the notification… Read More »

What Does An Executor Do?
If you have a will, and other methods to distribute your estate, you’re in good shape, and have taken a meaningful step towards passing on your property to your beneficiaries. But even the best estate plan has a problem: property and assets don’t just transfer themselves nor do they magically go into your loved… Read More »

Strategies To Avoid Relatives Fighting Over Your Estate Plan
It often happens that when people sit down to do their estate plan, they may want to leave more property to some beneficiaries or family members than others. When family gets more than friends, that isn’t usually a problem, but it often does become a problem when some family members are receiving more through… Read More »